Saturday, October 5, 2013


Blindman's Bluff
Entertainment in Victorian pleasure gardens were meant to be fun and distracting. City life was fast and tiresome. Cities were over crowded, and there wasn't a lot of green space to enjoy.The pleasure gardens served as an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. People could come to relax and forget about their jobs and responsibilities.The gardens had a country club feel to them. The public came to gossip with friends and enjoy a break from reality. Card games were very popular in American gardens. They were simply played recreationally in the gardens as gambling and card playing was considered frivolous, and addicting just like it is today. Many people became bored playing cards and would try to build houses out of cards instead. It was a practice in patience and a test of steady hands. Blindman’s Bluff and leap frog were also popular games at the time. Blindman’s Bluff was a game like tag, which was played by kids and younger adults. It gave young men an excuse to chase around pretty young girls. 

Other forms of entertainment like musical acts played at pavilions for crowds. Bandstands were very popular acts in the gardens and played well into the evenings. Fireworks were often set off in the evenings while people enjoyed a drink and ice cream. Pleasure Gardens in America were the precursors to modern day amusement parks.

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